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Adv Dip Couns MNCPS (Accred), Dip Sup, DC Hyp (MNRAH), Lic ASK Counselling in Farnham for Couples & Individuals

Help and Advice

There is a wealth of resources available to support you during challenging times. On this page you will find some useful information and advice for difficult days. If you would like to discuss any of these issues with a counsellor, or discover how individual or couples counselling or hypnotherapy can help, please contact me.

Emotional Affairs

Couples seeking counselling may have reached this decision because one - or both - partners have had an affair. Infidelity is not always physical, and the intimacy of an emotional affair can have an equally devastating impact on your relationship.

Managing Relationship Difficulties

All relationships go through difficulties, however, it is how we manage these difficulties that define the next step. I was reminded of this when I read a powerful letter in the Guardian, written to the writer’s wife about her anger and her refusal to carry on with couples counselling.

Workplace Affairs

Is there a time of year when we should concentrate on nurturing our relationships? Perhaps now. According to one survey, September is the month when couples are most vulnerable to cheating, because we have just returned from holiday and want a change. This year, as we also return to the workplace, there is a greater opportunity for an affair with a colleague than we’ve had in a long time. Couples counselling can help with challenges like these.

Couples Coping with the Pandemic

Over the past 18 months, our relationships have been through challenges that we never could have anticipated. This article shows how the pandemic has affected relationships, and the different coping strategies couples have used.

The Five Love Languages

You and your partner will each have a different love language, which can often be the reason behind conflict. Have a look at this quiz to see which is yours.

Depression and Your Relationship

I read an interesting article in Psychology Today about the connection between depression and relationship distress, and how couples counselling can help. The piece, by Madeleine A. Fugère, Ph.D. states that: “Research shows that various types of couples’ therapy are effective at reducing both depression and relationship distress.

Separation Anxiety for Couples as Lockdown Eases

Couples have spent more time together than ever over the past year, and starting to do things separately again may make you feel anxious. You're not alone, research shows that as lockdown eases, a quarter of couples are worried about separation anxiety. Following these tips could help keep your relationship on track while you adapt.

Relationships in the Pandemic

Covid has affected every part of our lives, including our relationships. According to this article in The I, long lockdowns have seen us arguing with our partners, Googling "break up", and having secret Zoom chats with divorce lawyers. Couples counselling can help you through these difficult times.

Relationship Pressures in Lockdown

As we come out of lockdown for a third time, many couples will find themselves in a different relationship situation to the one they knew at the start. This can be difficult to manage at the best of times, and this video shows how lockdown and the Coronavirus crisis can add pressure to your relationship.

Working From Home With Your Partner

This is a challenging time for couples. With so many of us working from home, you and your partner may be trying to manage your professional lives side-by-side, and feeling like you're getting under one other's feet.

You're not alone. Here is an article from the BBC about how some couples have coped with home working together.

Couples in Lockdown

By now, some things about living in lockdown will feel familiar to you, yet others may be completely different this time around. You and your partner might have found a rhythm that works for you, or you may find this third lockdown the most challenging of all. Whatever is happening in your relationship right now, there is practical advice available to help you get through the coming weeks.

Getting Through Christmas as a Couple

Christmas can be challenging for couples at the best of times, and that's particularly true this year when we are all dealing with coronavirus restrictions as well. Whether lockdown has put a strain on your relationship, or it's Christmas that's adding the pressure, there is support available.

Lockdown Pressure on Relationships

We're now in another lockdown in England, which can add extra pressure on your relationship once again. Fortunately there is good advice available to help you get through it as a couple, whether you live together or apart.

Physical Relationships In The Pandemic

The past six months have been difficult for many relationships, particularly for couples who live apart. As I write this, the guidelines state that couples who are in an established relationship do not have to socially distance. While this is welcome news, having a physical relationship after a break can add new pressures. The BBC has put together some practical information to help.

The Impact of Coronavirus on Relationships

Life is changing more quickly than ever at the moment and these changes can have an impact on your relationship. In fact, lockdown has been make or break for some couples, which can add to the day-to-day challenges we're all facing.

Couples Counselling in Unprecedented Times

You may have read in the news that many couples are finding their relationships particularly challenging during lockdown and, as a result, have decided to part. However, before things get this bad seeking professional help, where you can discuss your feelings together in a safe environment, may well enable you to save your relationship.

Turbo Relationships

According to Relate, some couples have found themselves in 'turbo relationships', having moved in together just before lockdown and finding the close quarters cause things to move at a faster pace than usual. While some of these relationships are flourishing, around 14 per cent of couples have decided it's time to part ways. Relationship counselling can help with these difficult times.

Relationship Issues in Lockdown

I would like to share with you an interesting column I read in The Guardian recently about how lockdown can affect couples. Being stuck at home with your partner for all this time can bring up relationship issues that you may not have expected and it can be difficult to know where to turn.

Lockdown With Your Partner

Lockdown is a challenging time for couples. If you and your partner are struggling to get along at the moment, this relationship advice from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy may help you to communicate better and then get back on track.

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