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Adv Dip Couns MNCPS (Accred), Dip Sup, DC Hyp (MNRAH), Lic ASK Counselling & Hypnotherapy for individuals & couples
in Farnham near Guildford & Camberley

About Me

With a former medical background as a nurse in 2001 I trained as an Advanced Integrative Counsellor, incorporating Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Transactional Analysis, Person Centred and Gestalt and over the years my practice has continued to grow through ongoing professional development.

My Qualifications

  • Advanced Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling (Farnborough College, Hants)
  • Diploma in Couples Counselling (Chichester Counselling College)
  • Diploma in Counselling Supervision (The Link Centre, Sussex)
  • Advanced Certificate in Clinical & Strategic Hypnosis (BST London)
  • Diploma in Applied Kinesiology(London)
My approach is integrative covering TA, Gestalt, Psychodynamic, Humanistic and Person Centred. I am a member of the NCS and the NRAH and abide by their Code of Ethics.

I am a Licentiate of the ASK and have undergone further extensive training in Applied Kinesiology at London and Oxford Universities. I also have qualifications in Reflexology, Massage, Emotrance, EFT and Bowen Technique.

All sessions are held in the strictest confidence in a relaxed and informal setting. By law I am required to discuss my work with a supervisor and, again, these sessions are confidential and your privacy will not be affected in any way. My notes are stored securely in a locked cabinet and any information about you will only be released if requested by a Court of Law. If I have reason to believe that you may harm yourself or anyone else then I may inform your GP and I will, of course, discuss this with you at the time.


Supervision is a unique relationship where the wellbeing of the client as well as that of the supervisee is discussed to provide support as well as challenge. It also provides maintenance of ethical standards as well as personal and professional development.

I have a Diploma in Counselling Supervision gained at the Link Centre in East Sussex and offer individual and group sessions to trained counsellors and students from my home in Farnham.

Supervision is not about giving answers – instead I endeavour to guide my supervisees in their own professional development whilst holding a professional responsibility for them. Whether you have years of experience or are in training I am conscious of adapting the way I work to your developmental level. Whilst I may not have experienced all issues raised within the supervision session, and I may not know every theory and method available, I do have a good deal of experience with a wide range of clients and this has spanned over many years.

Therapy Charges

Individual Counselling £60 per hour.
Couples Relationship Counselling £90 per 90 minute session.
Hypnosis £70 per hour.
(Should you need to cancel or alter an appointment please give me at least 48 hours notice)

Each couples session lasts for 90 minutes (£90). I generally see a couple together for the first session followed by an individual appointment for each of you lasting for one hour (£60) and then back together from then on.

Counselling Supervision £60 (one hour) or £90 (90 mins).

The Smoking Cessation package involves an initial assessment where we will discuss a tailor-made programme for you followed by a second appointment a week later which will include hypnosis, at a total cost of £200.

The Hypnoband Weight Loss programme involves 5 weekly appointments at a total cost of £350

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in the first session?
In our first meeting we will spend some time discussing the problem you have brought to me. I will then ask you a few questions about your background in order for me to get to know a little about you. There will be plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions and to decide whether I am the right person to help you to achieve your goals.

Can I talk to you in complete confidence?
You will find each session to be relaxed, informal and tailor made for your particular problem. At the beginning of therapy we will discuss and agree goals and everything that is said will be kept in complete confidence without fear of judgement.

How many sessions will I need?
Each individual session lasts approximately one hour (couples sessions are 90 mins long) and in some cases I will suggest working to a six-session contract which can be extended if needs be. This means that you and I can monitor any changes you may make along the way within the counselling process in the knowledge that when we feel your therapy is coming to an end it will be finalised in safety, not leaving you high and dry. Your sessions with me will usually be held on a weekly basis and the time will be yours to talk about whatever is bothering you in complete confidence. This may be the only time you have to discuss how you really feel about something in a non-judgmental situation and therefore we work at your pace as we explore your choices.

Please note: If you have difficulty meeting the cost of treatment this can be discussed. It is my policy that people who need therapy are not denied it on the grounds of cost and therefore may arrange to pay according to their means. In the case of cancellation within 48 hours notice of the appointment or failure to attend an appointment a fee will be charged. Time booked must be paid for and this is necessary because it is often hard to fill spaces at short notice. Thank you for your understanding and observation of this notice.

You can contact me for more information or to make an appointment by telephone on 07900 387978, or get in touch by email using my secure online contact form. I work in Farnham (monday-wednesday 8am-7.30pm and some sundays) and if you would like an appointment please give me an idea of times/days when you are free.

Frequently Asked Questions


Marriage Counselling

My husband and I had separated for a couple of months, after a difficult couple of years, but had got back together to give it another try. We had recognised we had differences and resolved to try and overcome them.

My husband initially went to see Imogen to deal with issues of confidence, but it soon became apparent that we would both benefit from counselling to help try and make our relationship work. Whilst we had identified we did have differences and issues, we were not actually aware of how to deal with them and - despite best efforts and intentions - the relationship had begun to break down again. We felt a split was inevitable as we both felt we had tried everything we could to make it work.

Imogen's intervention at this point was invaluable. She was able to help us identify our pre-programmed behaviours and responses which helped us to see why we both reacted in the ways that we did. Essentially, we began to understand both ourselves and each other more and this understanding led to better communication. In essence we began to understand and speak each other's language. With this new understanding we were able to tackle our fundamental problems, which in turn means we are able to deal with life's other issues much more effectively.

For me personally, Imogen's experience, advice about relationships, reassurance and affirmation helped me worked through all of the confusion and muddle that had built up over the years, and I have been able to put doubts behind me and move on with the relationship. I would imagine most couples go through hard times and sometimes breaking up is easier than trying to work through things, but with Imogen's help we have been to identify the real problems and deal with them effectively - and a lot quicker and easier than I could have ever imagined!

We're now looking forward to a long and happy life together, and have the understanding to (hopefully!) deal with any issues as they arise - safe in the knowledge that Imogen is not too far away should we need her sounds advice at any time.

If you are having relationship issues I would strongly recommend getting in touch with her - it really could be the difference between the end or a new beginning.
~ CP, Guildford

Personal Counselling
Last year I was, probably, at the lowest ebb I have ever experienced in my life, and I needed help, and needed it fast. I searched the internet to find it, in much the same way as you are doing now. To me the most important thing was to find, not only a certified professional, but someone that I felt I could talk to about everything and anything, and trust them completely, a daunting prospect I know... The picture helped, but during the initial contact phone call, and yes I hung up the phone several times before letting it be answered, I found myself feeling quite safe and I made that first, most difficult appointment. Difficult because I was admitting to myself that I couldn't cope anymore, being a failure and needing a strangers help, a big admission yes, but that acceptance was the single biggest step in moving forward, and I was never judged.

My time with Imogen has with her tact, skill and dedication to me and my problems and issues, shown me many things, given me the tools to untangle the web of confusion, hurt and doubt that filled my every waking hour, gave me strength where I felt there was none, opened my eyes to a future, when I really didn't care if there was one, and most importantly put me on a journey of self discovery, allowing me to find who I am, to move forward with a confidence, energy and self esteem that I never thought I would ever feel again. We all want a pill to take away our pain; I tried them they just anesthetised my emotions, sometimes the fix has to come from within.

I will not say that the journey was always easy, I confronted difficult and personal issues, but was never embarrassed, made to feel inadequate or a failure. I never felt trapped by therapy there was no course to be booked, I didn't feel pressured, I came and went as I felt necessary, though advice was always given. Imogen was always there for me, when my life felt like it was all slipping away. Then, when I got to the stage that I regained my emotional strength, focus and will to live this life, it was Imogen who suggested that there was little else she could do for me (so no mercenary strategies here), but I know that should I ever need any help, or advice, Imogen is only ever a phone call away.

So, to whoever you are, reading this now, you've already made that first admission to yourself and started the journey, if you want a great guide and companion on that journey to show you the way to wherever you need, or want to be, I whole heartedly recommend Imogen Ellis-Jones to you...and I wish you well.
~ RG Bentley

Marriage/Relationship & Grief Counselling
I just wanted to extend my thanks to you for our counselling sessions. I can honestly say it is the best thing my husband and I have ever done. We were stuck in a rut and beginning to actually dislike each other and I truly believe the sessions saved our marriage and have made us a much stronger, happier couple and family. With regards to my individual work with you I am so very grateful to you for making a truly horrific life experience a bearable one and, dare I say it, a positive one! Through our visualisation work together I can now see that horrendous situation in a much more positive, kind and compassionate way and, for that, I will be forever thankful. I can move on with a very heavy weight lifted off my shoulders and enjoy my future which makes me so happy.
~ KM Farnham

The second thing I wanted to say was to feed back to you about how I've been since I finished my sessions with you and to say thank you again - I am a different person since coming to see you, I no longer worry about the thoughts that I once had and occasionally if one does pop into my head I deal with it in such a different way, you have made such a difference to how I feel about myself and about my life. Mine and J's relationship has improved so much too, in fact, so much so that we are now expecting a baby in February, something which I would never have been ready for if I hadn't had your help in sorting out my head!!!

So a big THANK YOU again for all your help!!!
~ AD, Guildford

Weight Loss
Thanks to talking to you and the hypnosis I have lost 3 and a half stone so far this year and aim to do at least another 2, my BMI starting was 37 and is now just over 30. If you had said to me last year that I could lose that much I would have laughed at you but it just seems so easy now it's bizarre, sometimes I go back to the 'easy' fat path and challenging 'happy' path when I have a bad moment but they are, luckily, infrequent.
~ CS, Surrey

Confidence & Weight Loss
Imogen I just had to write to you and let you know how I am getting on and to thank you so much for getting me back on track... I have moved on so much in the last couple of months, in fact, more than ever and when I sit and look at me now compared to the Clare that came to see you initially, I often think 'wow thank you Imogen' as I would never have acted/thought like that a few years back... I feel like the new Clare has finally blossomed... I'm not the 'old' Clare anymore.... I've moved on. I've now lost a stone in weight and feel the confidence growing daily... I don' t want to blend into the background anymore

My boyfriend and I are now getting on so well and for the first time are openly talking about having a baby... we have never done that before Imogen... its always been a taboo subject.... I know at my age it might never happen but at least we can now try. If it turns out that we can't have children then at least I can look back and be happy knowing that we tried and didn't succeed rather than not trying at all... So I think the reason more than anything for my email is to thank you Imogen for all that you have done for me, I really do appreicate everything, I really do...Take care.
~ CY, Farnborough

Fate drew me to Imogen following my wife passing on aged just 48. Over the course of a year her insight and gentleness helped me to gain a perspective and clarity on the past, present and future, that has helped me to move on and live a fulfilled life.
~ GB, Alton

Giving up Smoking
I tried everything to give up smoking – gum, patches, vaping – without any success. Within one week of working with Imogen, however, I can safely say that cigarettes are absolutely a thing of the past.
~ ME, Aldershot

Panic Attacks
Imogen discovered the roots of my panic attacks through unhurried and empathic talking and discussion. Using hypnosis in order to fully understand the cause I now have nothing to fear from these debilitating attacks.
~ DW, Basingstoke

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